No Limits!

When I was younger, I often dreamed of where I am now in life. I have multiple journals filled with hopes, dreams, and goals of my 20, 30, and even 40-year-old self. Thankfully, many of my dreams have come true, but as I approach 50, I realize my dreams and goals must expand.

Moving into a new phase in life requires new thinking. It requires “NO Limit” thinking, and why not? Limiting our hopes, dreams, and goals only serves to keep us small and tied to a version of ourselves we have outgrown.

No Limit thinking expands us beyond our then and now and ushers us into our beautiful, delicious, luscious, and vibrant futures.


…into the farthest reaches of your beauty.

You Have NO Limits!

What Remains?

WOW!! It is hard to believe we are actually in 2022! The last few years were fraught with illness, loss, fear, and a shaking of faith for many.

As I celebrated the New Year from my home in Houston, TX, I couldn’t help but think of all those who lost a loved one, a job, or their personal confidence in the last 24 months and pondered what would come next for our world.

I was then reminded of the word, “remaining.” After a loss, there is always something remaining. The ruins of an ancient city are proof of this. I then began to think of the importance of securing what remains of our lives after any change. Divorce, layoff, or illness may leave us with just a remnant of what we once knew as normal, but the joy comes in the “remaining.”

Now is the time to consider what remains from the last few years and begin to dream a new dream and create a new life based on the strength of what remains.

As we enter this new and beautiful year, I challenge you to ask yourself, “What do I have remaining?”